Diamond Emery Cloth

Giấy Lafer Diamond Emery
Diamond Emery Paper là một dải một lớp chống nhiệt và ngăn kéo giãn Vị trí và tập trung viên kim cương chính xác để loại bỏ swarf tốt nhất và hiệu suất mát mẻ có thể được lắp cho bất kỳ máy công nghiệp nào theo chiều dọc, ngang hoặc trống. loại bỏ và hiệu suất làm mát Giảm thời gian xuống, tăng thông lượng. Tạo ra một lớp hoàn thiện hoàn hảo và loại bỏ sự căng thẳng của sợi từ quá trình tích tụ làm giảm thời gian ngừng hoạt động để tăng thông lượng lên đến 25%, tăng tuổi thọ của dụng cụ tạo ra một lớp hoàn thiện hoàn hảo và loại bỏ sự căng sợi. Dải mài mòn kim cương liền mạch và Giấy kim cương cho Máy dệt vải (LAFER / CARU / UNITECH), loại bỏ sợi dệt loại bỏ đứt gãy ở đường may, cho phép sản xuất sợi dệt liên tục mà không bị gián đoạn để thay thế dải. Các dải sẽ mòn hoàn toàn trước khi cần thay thế, dẫn đến tăng hiệu suất và sản lượng có thể dự đoán được. Có nhiều loại máy móc mà chúng ta có thể lắp các loại mài mòn kim cương của mình. Tên máy móc, theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái: Broma, Caru, Comet Unitec, Curtin-Hebert, Danti Paolo, Haining, HAS Lafer-Turk, Lafer, Lamperti, Lisa, Mario Crosta, MCS, Memnum, Sanwa, Sperotto, Sucker Muller, Xetma. Giấy Emery / Giấy kim cương cho Máy Sua vải (LAFER / CARU / UNITECH).
3: "x 264" 600Grit (có khớp hoặc không khớp)
3 "x 264" 400Grit (có khớp hoặc không khớp)
3 "x 264" 220Grit (có khớp hoặc không khớp)
1900mm x 230mm 600Grit (không có khớp nối)
1900mm x 230mm 400Grit (không có khớp nối)
1900mm x 230mm 220Grit (không có khớp nối)
Ưu điểm:
- Giấy Emery được trộn đều
- bền và tuổi thọ cao
- giảm thời gian dừng máy
- có thể được thiết kế riêng cho kích thước của bạn!
Ưu điểm của việc nuôi dưỡng siêu thương mại:
- Lưới có sẵn: 220, 400, 600,
- Kích thước có sẵn: 3 "x264" và 75mm x 6900mm và 100mmx100000mm và 1900mm x 230mm
- Tương thích với tất cả các máy hàng đầu, cả sử dụng ướt và khô.
Phù hợp: Bất kỳ máy đứng, máy ngang hoặc máy trống nào

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

1900x 230mm
Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

3 "x 264"
Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.

Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding
This emery paper is made of durable, heat-resistant abrasive material that won't stretch while using. Its precise diamond pellet placement and concentration allow for maximum swarf removal and cooler performance, whether using a vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machine. Its unique design also helps reduce downtime and increase throughput, while producing a perfect finish and avoiding fiber strain from build-up.
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Frequenstly Answer Qeustion
Q: What are the situations where diamonds are used as cutting tool?
Diamond excels in "hardness" and "heat diffusibility" as a cutting tool material. CBN, with hardness akin to that of diamond diamond is mainly used for cutting ferrous metal thanks to its lower reactivity than diamond with ferrous metal. Both materials can be polished to form "sharp cutting edge."
Q: What are the benefits of diamond tools?
Advantages. Diamond is one of the hardest natural materials on earth; much harder than corundum and silicon carbide. Diamond also has high strength, good wear resistance, and a low friction coefficient. So when used as an abrasive, it has many obvious advantages over many other common abrasives.
Q: How are diamond tools made?
High-quality Diamond cutting tools are manufactured with electrolytic iron powder where it acts as a part of the binder alloy and offers the specific arrangement of the diamond composites on to the surface of the tools.
Q: How do diamond tools work?
The actual grinding work is done by exposed diamond crystals that are held in place by the metal matrix or bond. Each diamond is supported by a bond tail which trails behind the diamond. While the blade rotates through the material, the exposed diamonds on the surface grind the material.
Q: How are diamond tools made?
High-quality Diamond cutting tools are manufactured with electrolytic iron powder where it acts as a part of the binder alloy and offers the specific arrangement of the diamond composites on to the surface of the tools.
Q: How are diamond tools made?
High-quality Diamond cutting tools are manufactured with electrolytic iron powder where it acts as a part of the binder alloy and offers the specific arrangement of the diamond composites on to the surface of the tools.