Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snabbkopplingsskivor för slipning av naturliga och syntetiska stenar, glas, keramik och hårda metaller. Dessa snabbkopplade (kardborrband) flexibla diamantskivor är avsedda för polering av maskiner och fasta maskiner. De ska användas våta. Alla andra stöd och fästen finns inklusive M14, snigelås, självhäftande, plastazote och magnetiskt. Snabbfrigörande diamant flexibelt material för våtslipning och polering av glas, keramik, hårda metaller, natursten inklusive granit, marmor och sandsten, och syntetisk sten som konstruerad sten. Dessa diamantskivor är färgkodade i grönt, svart, rött, gult, vitt, blått och orange för enkel klassificering.
Snail-Lock Flexibel diamantskiva
Snail-Lock Flexibel diamantslipskiva är speciellt utformad för automatiska kantpoleringsmaskiner med en eller flera huvuden för rakpolering. Det kräver bara upp till 3000 korn för att framgångsrikt polera kanterna. Tillverkarna kommer att upptäcka att resultaten är mycket konsekventa och kan förlita sig på prestanda av hög kvalitet. Med den gemensamma snigellåsadaptern fästs SL-kuddar enkelt på kantpoleringsmaskiner. Kuddarna passar helt enkelt på plats och låses fast med en vridande rörelse. För att ta bort dynorna, vrid dem helt enkelt och ta bort dem och byt ut dem mot nästa grus. "Twist and lock" -designen sparar tid och ökar produktiviteten.
Roloc Flexibel diamantskiva
Roloc Flexible Diamond Abrasive Sanding Disc ger en burfri yta som är lämplig för målning eller beläggning. Dessa skivor kan användas för att avlägsna lätt rost, oxider och beläggningar. Tunga skivor för svetsavlägsnande, slipning och blandning av stora och små ytor av metallytor. Finns i vanliga och snabba frigöringsformer. För hårt slipande material, sten, glas, keramik, metall, hårdmetall, kompositer. Metallpläterad förankring säkert mikronklassificerade diamanter mot underlag. För plan, kant, konturslipning och polering. Kraftigt, vattentätt, polyesterunderlag.
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Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc
These versatile Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Abrasive Sanding Discs are perfect for use on both single and multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, and can handle both straight and beveled edge polishing. Achieving a high-quality finish is quick and easy, with no need to go beyond 3000 grit. Plus, with a convenient "twist and lock" design, attaching and removing the pads is a breeze, saving valuable time and increasing productivity. Fabricators will appreciate the consistent results and can trust in the reliable performance of these SL pads that easily fit into place.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc
These versatile Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Abrasive Sanding Discs are perfect for use on both single and multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, and can handle both straight and beveled edge polishing. Achieving a high-quality finish is quick and easy, with no need to go beyond 3000 grit. Plus, with a convenient "twist and lock" design, attaching and removing the pads is a breeze, saving valuable time and increasing productivity. Fabricators will appreciate the consistent results and can trust in the reliable performance of these SL pads that easily fit into place.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc
These versatile Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Abrasive Sanding Discs are perfect for use on both single and multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, and can handle both straight and beveled edge polishing. Achieving a high-quality finish is quick and easy, with no need to go beyond 3000 grit. Plus, with a convenient "twist and lock" design, attaching and removing the pads is a breeze, saving valuable time and increasing productivity. Fabricators will appreciate the consistent results and can trust in the reliable performance of these SL pads that easily fit into place.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc
These versatile Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Abrasive Sanding Discs are perfect for use on both single and multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, and can handle both straight and beveled edge polishing. Achieving a high-quality finish is quick and easy, with no need to go beyond 3000 grit. Plus, with a convenient "twist and lock" design, attaching and removing the pads is a breeze, saving valuable time and increasing productivity. Fabricators will appreciate the consistent results and can trust in the reliable performance of these SL pads that easily fit into place.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc
These versatile Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Abrasive Sanding Discs are perfect for use on both single and multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, and can handle both straight and beveled edge polishing. Achieving a high-quality finish is quick and easy, with no need to go beyond 3000 grit. Plus, with a convenient "twist and lock" design, attaching and removing the pads is a breeze, saving valuable time and increasing productivity. Fabricators will appreciate the consistent results and can trust in the reliable performance of these SL pads that easily fit into place.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc
These versatile Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Abrasive Sanding Discs are perfect for use on both single and multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, and can handle both straight and beveled edge polishing. Achieving a high-quality finish is quick and easy, with no need to go beyond 3000 grit. Plus, with a convenient "twist and lock" design, attaching and removing the pads is a breeze, saving valuable time and increasing productivity. Fabricators will appreciate the consistent results and can trust in the reliable performance of these SL pads that easily fit into place.
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Frequenstly Answer Qeustion
Q: What are the situations where diamonds are used as cutting tool?
Diamond excels in "hardness" and "heat diffusibility" as a cutting tool material. CBN, with hardness akin to that of diamond diamond is mainly used for cutting ferrous metal thanks to its lower reactivity than diamond with ferrous metal. Both materials can be polished to form "sharp cutting edge."
Q: What are the benefits of diamond tools?
Advantages. Diamond is one of the hardest natural materials on earth; much harder than corundum and silicon carbide. Diamond also has high strength, good wear resistance, and a low friction coefficient. So when used as an abrasive, it has many obvious advantages over many other common abrasives.
Q: How are diamond tools made?
High-quality Diamond cutting tools are manufactured with electrolytic iron powder where it acts as a part of the binder alloy and offers the specific arrangement of the diamond composites on to the surface of the tools.
Q: How do diamond tools work?
The actual grinding work is done by exposed diamond crystals that are held in place by the metal matrix or bond. Each diamond is supported by a bond tail which trails behind the diamond. While the blade rotates through the material, the exposed diamonds on the surface grind the material.
Q: How are diamond tools made?
High-quality Diamond cutting tools are manufactured with electrolytic iron powder where it acts as a part of the binder alloy and offers the specific arrangement of the diamond composites on to the surface of the tools.
Q: How are diamond tools made?
High-quality Diamond cutting tools are manufactured with electrolytic iron powder where it acts as a part of the binder alloy and offers the specific arrangement of the diamond composites on to the surface of the tools.